Last Updated: 1 August 2023

How To Use Our Digikeijs DR4018 CVV Calculator

This calculator will work out all the CV values you need to program your Digikeijs DR4018 to any configuration or combination of points (turnouts), signals and simple on/off switches. It currently supports Gaugemaster SEEP motors, MTB MP1 motors, two aspect red/green LED signals, generic solenoid or slow action motors and simple on/off toggle switches.

How To Use

Enter the first turnout address you want to use, the rest will be in sequence from there. So if you had eight point motors, with a starting address of 4, the motors would be turnout IDs 4 - 11.

Some settings are device-wide, for example the flash rate and fade speed apply to all outputs that have those features enabled. If you want to be sure no existing settings will cause problems or confusion, tick 'reset unused inputs' and 'disable unused functions'. This will ensure a value is set for every output regardless of whether you have configured it for something, and will also disable functions so that activating those turnout IDs has no effect.

Use the 'Add' buttons to add each type of item you want to control. Some items will take up two outputs and be mapped to a single function (i.e. turnout address presented to your DCC system), e.g. point motors and two aspect signals. Simple on/off toggles take up a single output.

Once you have added your outputs, you can tweak the individual output configuration if you wish. By default we will supply recommended settings.

Once done, click 'Calculate CVVs' and a list of CVVs to set using your DCC controller or software will be calculated. We also have a version of the calculator that you can run on your PC, which directly sends the required programming commands to the device via a compatible PC command station (e.g. Digikeijs DR5000) - contact us for details.

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