Last Updated: 3 January 2025

Dapol Class 43 (HST) Sound Installation (Next18 Version)

Mistakes may damage your locomotive, controller or other accessories. Use a multimeter to make absolutely sure you have completely isolated the motor from the track before testing. Always use the Programming Track for testing. Our guides are provided for reference only, and you proceed entirely at your own risk. Unsure about something - try our DCC Conversion Service instead.

Buy Dapol Class 43 HST DCC Sound Conversion from £40.00

This guide shows how to install DCC sound into the later Dapol N Gauge Class 43 (HST) models that are fitted with a Next18 decoder socket, including:

  • Dapol Class 43 'National Railway Museum' 43238 / 43302 in LNER Red (2D-019-203)

For the older version, check out our specific guide for installing DCC sound in Dapol Class 43 with 6-pin decoder socket. Both the motorized loco and the dummy loco can be converted in a similar way, and some sound providers (e.g. Legomanbiffo) have a customized 'matched pair' version so that certain sounds (e.g. horn) come from the correct loco end depending on the direction of travel.

Step 1 - Remove Body

Gently pop the body off by pushing upwards. Note the two solder pads on the Next18 socket PCB for the speaker wires at the bottom right-hand side.

Convert Dapol Class 43 HST to DCC Sound

Step 2 - Fit Speaker

Fit the speaker on its side at the back of the loco. Trim the wires down to length, then solder to the decoder socket PCB.

Convert Dapol Class 43 HST to DCC Sound

Step 3 - Fit Decoder

Plug your ESU LokSound 5 Micro decoder into the socket.

Convert Dapol Class 43 HST to DCC Sound

Step 4 - Refit Body

Refit the loco body and the conversion is complete.

Dummy Loco

The process for fitting a sound decoder and speaker into the dummy loco at the other end is basically the same. It is possible to fit a larger speaker in the space where the motor would be, however it's easier to get the sound levels balanced between the two locos if the speakers are both the same.

Convert Dapol Class 43 HST to DCC Sound

Our DCC Conversion Service